quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2007

Botão Barbearia[0.161/2007]
上午 吴邦国委员长在人民大会堂主持十届全国人大常委会第六十七次委员长会议 王新庆摄

Congresso PC Chinês根据委员长会议建议的议程,此次常委会会议将继续审议城乡规划法草案、民事诉讼法修正案草案、律师法修订草案、节约能源法修订草案、行政强制法草案、禁毒法草案、劳动争议调解仲裁法草案。审议国务院关于提请审议道路交通安全法修正案草案的议案,审议国务院关于提请审议批准修改《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》议定书的议案。


7 comentários:

  1. Eu também acho.

  2. De facto a Maria José Noguera Pinto esticou-se...

  3. 审议全国人大内务司法委员会 !!!!

  4. Falta uma vírgula no segundo prágrafo.
    Estas gralhas é que estragam um belo texto.
    E esta heim???? Como diria o Grande Pessa
    Um abraço ao Barbeiro Luis

  5. 审议国务院关于提请审议道路交通安全法修正案草案的议案, que é como quem diz:
    Em chinês nos entendemos.


    Um abraço para todos

  6. ;>) Depois de ficar com os olhos em bico, fui consultar o Google Translate. Mas, perante isto:
    Wu Bangguo, chairman of the morning in the Great Hall of the NPC Standing Committee, presided over the 10th meeting of chairpersons of the 67-perturbation Wang

    According to the recommendations, chairman of the agenda, the Standing Committee meeting will continue its consideration of the draft Town and Country Planning Act, the draft amendment to the Civil Procedure Law, Lawyer Law Amendment Bill, the revised draft energy conservation law, the draft law on administrative enforcement, the draft anti-drug law, labor dispute mediation arbitration draft law. Consideration of the State Council for Road Safety Law, the draft amendment of the motion, the State Council for approval to amend the "trade-related intellectual property rights agreement," the Protocol's motion.

    According to the chairman of the recommendations of the Standing Committee meeting will also consider the Supreme People's Court on improving the judicial system to promote judicial fairness of the report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on improving procuratorial supervision system to promote judicial fairness of the report. Consideration of the NPC Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee, Financial and Economic Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, Environment and Resources Protection Committee and the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on the Fifth Session of the 10th NPC for consideration on behalf of the Bureau of delivery of the motion proposed by the report of its findings.

    Confesso, fiquei quase na mesma!

  7. o que eu estava procurando, obrigado
