Umas doutrinam e respeitam-se:
«...essas pessoas, interiormente odeiam os dissidentes, porque compreendem que eles representam a sua má consciência e, ao mesmo tempo, invejam-lhes o orgulho e a liberdade interior...».
Václav Havel
In Petição
Outras cantam e estimam-se:
«Quem mostra bo ess caminho longe?
Quem mostra bo ess caminho longe?
Ess caminho pa São Tomé
Sodade sodade sodade
Dess nha terra São Nicolau
Si bá screve me m ta screvebe
Si bá squece me m ta squecebe
Até dia qui bá voltá
Sodade sodade sodade
Dess nha terra São Nicolau»
Cesária Évora
Outras só não se ignoram por ser útil não as esquecer:
Citizens did not have the right to change their government. There continued to be reports of extrajudicial killings, disappearances, and arbitrary detention, including of many persons held as political prisoners. Prison conditions were harsh and life-threatening, and torture reportedly was common. Pregnant female prisoners reportedly underwent forced abortions, and in other cases babies reportedly were killed upon birth in prisons. The constitutional provisions for an independent judiciary and fair trials were not implemented in practice. The regime subjected citizens to rigid controls over many aspects of their lives.
Kim Jong il
2004 Human Rights Watch report
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